Configuration file syntax is YAML. The objects drivers and interfaces are associative arrays where the key defines the type of driver/interface and the value is a list of instance name. For example in the configuration listed below we have one modbus instance with the name mb0.
Configuration for each single instance goes into driver.<driver_type>.<driver_name>.<setting_name> or interface.<interface_type>.<interface_name>.<setting_name>.
Sometimes it'd make sense to generate parts of the config via Python. For example if configuration items could be produced by iterating a list or loop. For this case these special YAML tags are helpfull:
!py.Function <package>.<function>@<package path>
!py.FileFunction <function>@<>
!File <File.yaml>
drivers: modbus: [mb0] daikin_itc: [itc_0,itc_1] fias: [fias] interfaces: # json: [zmq_sync,zmq_pub,tcp] json: [tcp] interface: json: tcp: #uri_prefix=/mb_slave debug: False transport: TCP listen: port: 8000 driver: modbus: mb0: mode: master debug: False port: /dev/ttyMB baudrate: 19200 parity: even bits: 8 type: pyRTU stopbits: 1 asynchronous: True autopoll: True sleep_interval: 0.1 int_values: True fias: fias: host: protel port: 5009 type: tcp role: client daikin_itc: itc_0: address: daikin_itc_0 merge_rw: False itc_1: address: daikin_itc_1 merge_rw: False itc_2: address: daikin_itc_2 merge_rw: False logging: version: 1 root: level: DEBUG handlers: [console] loggers: default: level: DEBUG handlers: [console] propagate: no #service: # level=DEBUG # handlers=logfile formatters: simple: format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname) 8s| %(message)s" verbose: format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname) 8s| %(message)s" handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler level: DEBUG formatter: simple stream: ext://sys.stdout
controller: logging: logging: database: type: sqlite file: /etc/sdo/logging.db logs: !py.Function gh_pfeifer.getConf_Logging_Logs@/etc/sdo
def getConf_Logging_Logs(): conf={} conf['/fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Global/T_Outdoor']=[5000,300] for cType in CELL_TYPES: for cell_id in CELLS[cType]: conf['/fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_%i/T_Room'%cell_id]=[5000,300] return conf
Will generate something like:
controller: logging: logging: database: type: sqlite file: /etc/sdo/logging.db logs: /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Global/T_Outdoor: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_1/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_2/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_3/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_4/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_5/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_6/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_7/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_8/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_9/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_10/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_11/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_12/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_13/T_Room: [5000,300] /fbm/_abstracts/CustomDevice/Cell_14/T_Room: [5000,300]