InhaltsverzeichnisVortex: datalogAdditional to the default vortex objects there are some functions which help to read out the state of the datalog. These are:
log recordsA typical log record looks like this: { 'status': 0, 'timestamp': 1395129487, 'data': 2320, 'addr': [0,10] } The meaning of the fields are:
typical use casesinfo what is loggedThis is defined by NV/source/regIndex and NV/source/type: read /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/NV/source/regIndex (None, 23) read /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/NV/source/type (None, [1, 'MB.INPUT']) read complete log data and poll for new recordsThis can be done via calling readNewRecords() peridically. The first calls will return all new records which are normally limited to 20 for each call. The driver tracks the time for each record thus knowing whenever it reaches the end. Then at some point the last call will return less then 20 records and all next calls will return an empty list as long as there is no new log-data available. The responses could look like this: > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<20 records>] #first block > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<20 records>] #second block > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<20 records>] #third block > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<20 records>] #fourth block > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<11 records>] #last block with records > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<0 records>] #no new records > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<0 records>] #no new records > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<1 records>] #one new record detected > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<0 records>] #no new records > /<driver>/<slave>/vortex/datalog/0/readNewRecords < [<0 records>] #no new records 1)
not implemented yet |
Copyright 2021, e-design / Alexander Krause |