TCM320 / RS485 / ModBus Slave


register types

type length content
EnOcean_Frame_t 12 hseq length org data 0..3 addr 0..3 status
EnOcean_Data_t 4 data 0..3
EnOcean_Address_t 4 addr 0..3
EnOcean_OrgAddress_t 5 rorg addr 0..3
EnOcean_OrgDataStatus_t 5 rorg data 0..3 status
EnOcean_OrgDataAddressStatus_t 9 rorg data 0..3 addr 0..3 status
type length content
Command_t 1 1 - force reset
10 - reread TCM baseid
100 - send Test frame


start length description type notes
100 4 base address EnOcean_Address_t
1000 11 last frame EnOcean_Frame_t
1020 11 last service frame EnOcean_Frame_t
1000 5 last frame address EnOcean_OrgAddress_t
1005 5 last service frame address EnOcean_OrgAddress_t
2000 5 known address 0 EnOcean_OrgAddress_t
2005 5 known address 1 EnOcean_OrgAddress_t
2000+x*5 5 known address x EnOcean_OrgAddress_t
3000+x*4 4 last data of device x EnOcean_Data_t
4000 5 send data EnOcean_OrgData_t
4100 9 send data EnOcean_OrgDataAddress_t
5000 6 send data with baseid EnOcean_OrgDataStatus_t
5010 6 send data with baseid+1 EnOcean_OrgDataStatus_t
5000+n*10 6 send data with baseid+n EnOcean_OrgDataStatus_t
10000 n send raw data
start length description type notes
1 1 modbus slave address
2 1 modbus endianness setup Endianness_t
3 1 autobaud enable bool
4 1 baudrate Baudrate_t
5 1 serial uint16_t
6 1 command Command_t
10 1 ModBus- Revision uint16_t
11 1 Firmware- Revision uint16_t
20 1 total rx frames uint16_t
21 1 total tx frames uint16_t
30 1 rx timer uint16_t
100 1 device 0 total rx frames uint16_t
100+x 1 device x total rx frames uint16_t
150 1 device 0 total tx frames uint16_t
150+x 1 device x total tx frames uint16_t
200 1 device 0 rx timer uint16_t
200+x 1 device x rx timer uint16_t
1000 1 sensitivity uint16_t
1001 1 repeater setup uint16_t

custom functions

The firmware provides a custom function for reading a queue of rx-frames. This is a circular buffer which holds a list of EnOcean_Frame_t types (no checksum, no sync-bytes).

ModBus PDU


Function code 1 Byte 64


Function code 1 Byte 64
Resp. data Length 1 Byte N*sizeof(EnOcean_Frame_t)
Resp. data N*sizeof(EnOcean_Frame_t)
hardware/enocean/tcm-320-dev/firmware/modbus_slave.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2015.04.17 - 16:58 von
Copyright 2021, e-design / Alexander Krause